This morning, i had quite a bad sleep. I'll blame it on the mosquitoes, they were bloody irritating. I was like rolling to left, then rolling to the right of my bed, and i even took the mosquito repealer -called "antimos" - and i hold it in my hands and i was like moving my hand towards where the sound comes from. Haha. And in the end, it didn't seem to work at all - useless thing - and guess what i did?? I took my blanket, wrapped up my whole body as tight as possible, leaving my head free from it only. And it actually worked. What a miracle. You should have seen how it looked liked - a person wrapped up in a ca coon.
So, i finally got back my precious sleeping time. It didn't take me too long to get back into sleep though. And suddenly, the dreams arrived. Those were the weirdest dream i have ever dreamed of. It was like, starting of it, Chia Zheng was driving me back from some where which i don't remember where it was from, and he was driving me in a very posh car. I think it was a porsche... Then, suddenly i was in my house, getting ready for school. So, i don't know how, or why, in the dream, i knew that it was a Monday, must be dreaming of school re-open. Anyway, i took my bath and dressed up - weird... i can dream of myself taking bath... - i then realised that it was M0nday which means i have to wear the white long sleeve uniform and the white long pants. But, it wasn't in the closet. So, i asked my mom if she found any - it sounds like my daily life though - but she couldn't find it, and i checked the time... And all i knew was i was late. I didn't know the time, but i knew that i was late... doesn't make sense.
Then, all of a sudden again, i was out of my house, picking up LAUNDRIES... I'm gonna be honest here, but in my dream, i was dreaming that i was picking up my neighbors laundries and it looked like it was in USJ9. And i remembered in the dram, i was wandering whether or not i had to pick the neighbors laundries, wonder where that tradition came from... lol. And,i checked the time again, and i was really late by that time, it was 1:10, and i'm suppose to be in school at 1:20. ( i even knew what time i had to be in school?!?! In a dream???!!!) And i was panicking because i would be late for school, panicking that Chia Zheng would be outside my house waiting for me, while i was at my neighbors house half way picking their laundries. Actually, i meant laundries by the cloths that they were drying.
And, i just woke up from my dream. O my, that time i was Hweww..... And that time i was thinking, today is Wednesday what.... lol
And then i slept back again, and dreamed again, but i don't remember any of it...
For those who are reading this post right now, it might sound ridiculous and true, but it actually is a dream.... Haha. Miracle
Jenson singing out. ~Enjoy~
1 comment:
Hey tat shing!Din't know you have a blog.haha.
anyway, link me ;D
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