Monday, May 28, 2012


Things change every once in awhile. And when it happens, they come suddenly. Bad things come the most sudden of all. Yeah, so they say to smile and face it. But what's next after smiling at it? Funny how those movies show how one just smiles when he's in a serious condition but they don't show what every night of that person is like, or maybe what's in his mind all the time. We only see what happens in the end or how it seems like outside. But again, if they could tell what to do, this wouldn't be a nightmare anymore.
I promised to never get you mad again. But then again, I failed. And you were the one who apologized, instead of me. For something you are uncontrollable of? What a bummer. If only you really mean and are what you say you want to or should be, none of these days would be as painful as it is. But what's this pain you say always? Could it be scientifically related or is it a pain that comes from within the heart. If only we could see what the problem is, someday. But no, the longer we take the more it eats us up.
Say i wouldn't tell, but i just thought it didn't really matter as everything seems fine. And i meant it. We just need the right kind of push. That's all.
And I really wanna tell you about it. Just couldn't find the right moment, as how i always say it to be. But when will i ever do it?
I know I shouldn't keep it inside, as I don't always do too. And I know it shouldn't be thought much of. But, sometimes, somehow, the things around you just makes you think about it. It's like they come in clumps while doing something normal, but somehow on this kinda night, it just affects you to think. A beautiful song it is and that darn whore on youtube along with that racist blob. Your happy news which i do the same at times like this and your apologies. It just paints a perfect background for u, for you to think. Bummer...


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