Sunday, September 27, 2009

How to...

Feel clean
Be a baby
Type in Chinese while blogging
Study hard yet enjoy much
Improve reading speed
Use a toilet role other than displaying it
Blend in with a group of new-bies
Keep my hair short for at least 2 weeks
Make a choice between Toys Story 3 or This is it
Thank people for being who they are
Apologize deeply when it will sound useless
Know what to do before... Puberty kicks in
Blow wind

That should be enough questions to ask ourselves. Haha. That should at least keep us occupied for a week, after studying our butts off, i guess? NOT.Well, i wouldn't admit that i didn't study my butt off. But, at least i did study!

Anyway, people, ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, uncles, aunties, grandma, grandpa, master, misstress(??). Good luck - in thinking of those questions up there, and for the coming final exam!

Jenson signing out.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Silent or voice?

Well, sometimes i just wonder whether which way is best when it comes to facing our parent's lectures. Should we say what we want to say? Or should we just stay still like a plank of wood?

Another is, is it normal for our parents to pay more attention to our other siblings when he or she is at the age of almost 18 or 19? I mean like, last time when you talk to your parents, they'll listen and if your other sibling just interupts with another topic, they'll ask he or her to wait. But when at that age, things just get different and you feel being left out at times?

Anyway, when that kind of things ever happen, we have to be strong. This is for anyone who's reading this post now. I mean, maybe it might not happen to you, but if it really do, be strong. Be positive. The support you need will be your own body and your positively thinkings always.

For now, just enjoy life to the max while moving towards your goals. =)

Jenson signing out.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

~Another dinner with the THUM family~

Well, had another dinner in some Chinese restaurant in IOI mall. The food was... OKAY.... The service was.... OKAY.... The karaoke machine was... OKAY.

Want the truth? Well, it actually sucked. The food was either tasteless or salt less. The crab meat was mashy. Everything was crap. Then the service there sucked more than the word "suck". Just don't know how to describe about it. They never once use the word "sorry" or "may i". I mean, it's basic serving skill. Don't know that? Well, too bad... They really have to do something about that. Or else it's... Self-destructing. As for the juke box, they didn't really have much up-to-date songs. It was all the old songs. But at least we had fun listening to our uncles' singing. That was the only part that we had fun though... Of course there was the photo session. It was fun too. Haha. Here are some photos.

Jenson signing out.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Not again Teddy...

Teddy has been eating grass again today. And of course, he vomited. Again. Surely that would get you up to your toes whn you see your dog vomiting, right? So, i decided to google up whether or not it's normal for dogs to eat grass. And here's what i got out of it.

Q:Dogs eat grass??

A: Dogs commonly eat grass, and there are several explanations that have been offered for this behavior. One, wild canids (e.g., wolves and fox) eat all of an animal when they catch it. Since they eat many herbivores (plant-eating animals), they end up eating a lot of grasses and plants that were in the intestines of these animals. In addition, they have been known to eat certain berries and other plant material. Dogs then, may eat grass because, in reality, it is a normal part of their diet.

Many times, dogs will vomit after eating grass. Did they eat grass to make them vomit? Or did they vomit because they ate grass? It is a mystery, but it seems that some dogs may eat vegetation when they have an upset stomach.

The third reason - they just like it. Some dogs have certain species of grass or plant material that they will search out and eat. We know a beagle who can pick raspberries faster than his owner.

In any case, grass eating is basically a normal behavior, and is not of concern unless your dog does it excessively.

So, yeah... Seems like i don't have to worry much about it then. You guys out there who also has a K9 eating grasses, it's absalutely, perfectly normal. =)

Jenson signing out.
